
Amangeldy Gas LLP summed up the results of its work for 2019


Yerken Kasseyev, Director General (Chairman of the Management Board), reported on the results of the work and told about the company’s achievements at the meeting with the personnel of Amangeldy Gas LLP. The meetings were held for operational personnel with a visit to production facility.

Being a subsidiary of KazTransGas JSC the National Operator, Amangeldy Gas LLP, according to the current Contract, carries out exploration and production of hydrocarbons within the contract area at Amangeldy, Airakty, Anabai, Zharkum, Kumyrly, Ucharal-Ucharal Severny, Kempirtobe and Barkhannaya-Sultankuduk, Kumyrly-Koskuduk fields.

Following the results of 2019, the Director General announced the main work performed, noted that the recalculation of reserves of gas, condensate and associated components was approved, production wells were drilled and drilling of an appraisal well started, etc. He also announced financial and economic results of the Partnership’s activity.

The Director General provided the workers with information on working conditions. He noted that the most attractive conditions for workers have been created, including competitive remuneration and social benefits system. All this gives an opportunity to attract and retain highly qualified specialists. He also highlighted the work aimed at creating favorable working conditions for the field workers, namely:

– repair of mobile cars for the workover crew;

– improvement and landscaping of the territory of the shift camp with replacement of the old paving stone by a new one;

– asphalting the entrance group of the Amangeldy field integrated gas treatment unit.

The Director General noted that in 2019 Amangeldy Gas LLP held various events within the framework of the Year of Youth and Youth Policy of the Partnership. He told about a specially designed modular training and development program for young specialists “New Thoughts. New Emotions. New Actions”.

Ye. Z. Kasseyev: “The program included three training modules (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving or TIPS, Project Management, Public Speech Skills) and the final event, where participants presented and defended their projects. 5 groups were formed in the framework of the project and interesting projects were developed for implementation at production site.

The projects that showed the greatest economic effect are planned to be implemented in 2020-2022.”

Also, the First Head noted that “Uzdik maman – 2019” the first competition of professional skills of workers was held in 2019. The competition was attended by workers in two professions: maintenance man and electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of all categories.

Ye. Z. Kasseyev expressed his gratitude to Bakyt Baimakhanbetov, electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, who took the 2nd place in the competition at the training ground of Tatneft PJSC the oil and gas company in the category of the best electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment for the JSC NC KazMunayGas group of companies.

The First Head noted that in December 2019 in Nur-Sultan the Commission for awarding the “Paryz-2019” prize, highly appreciated the contribution of Amangeldy Gas LLP in the field of environmental protection, implementation of environmental programs.

Yerken Kasseyev introduced the workers to the main scheduled works for 2020, including construction and introduction of new technologies for gas production intensification, modernization of fire automation system, equipping condensate storage tanks with automated metering system, updating of geological and hydrodynamic model.

In the end of the meeting the head gave detailed answers to the questions of the workers.

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