
Amangeldy Gas LLP summed up work results for 2017


At the meeting with labor collective of Amangeldy Gas LLP, general director (chairman of the Management Board) Yerken Kaseyev reported on the results of work and told about the results achieved by company. Meetings were held for administrative and management personnel and for production personnel with a visit to the production facility.

Being a subsidiary of Natorional operator KazTransGaz JSC Amangeldy Gas LLP, according to current contract, is exploring and producing hydrocarbon raw materials within the contract area at the Amangeldy, Airakty, Anabai, Zharkum, Kumyrly, Ucharal-Ucharal Northern, Kempirtobe and sections of Barkhan-Sultankuduk, Kumyrly-Koskuduk.

As head of the company noted, in 2017 the plan for gas and gas condensate production was exceeded, as a result, the Partnership produced 343.738 million m3 of gas and more than 20 thousand tons of gas condensate. This year it was succeeded to increase considerable volumes of production and all of us should aim to continue in the same direction, increasing production volumes”

Two new wells No. 133 and 134 were added at Amangeldy oilfield (with an increase in gas production, in 2017 it amounted to +7.9 million m3), a reactive power compensation plant was launched (savings on electricity costs of 4.5%), a working project “Construction of a refrigeration unit at the CGTU” was developed, two objects were tested in well column No. R-1 on the structure of Western Sultankuduk.

General Director presented employees with information on the created working conditions. He noted that the most attractive conditions for employees were created, including competitive compensation, the system of social benefits. All this provides an opportunity to attract and retain highly qualified specialists. This is evidenced by the qualitative composition of the staff and the decreasing dynamics of staff turnover over the last 3 years.

Yerken Kaseyev familiarized the employees with a main planned works for 2018, including the construction of a propane refrigeration system at the CGTU, the construction of a geological and hydrodynamic model, the recalculation of hydrocarbon reserves (C2 category transfer to C1), the complete diagnosis of fountains, fire extinguishing tanks and pressure vessels . At the end of the meeting, the head answered in detail the questions of interest to workers.

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