
KazTransGaz JSC increases the capacity of “Kazakhstan-China” gas pipeline


The official ceremony of commissioning the compressor stations No. 4 and 8 of С line of “Kazakhstan-China” main gas pipeline. The work of these objects will make it possible to increase the capacity of С line to 20 bln. cubic meters of gas a year. The total output of all the three lines, A, B and C, will reach 55 bln. cubic meters a year upon completion of the construction of all the compressor stations, being modern high-tech equipment for gas transportation.

The new compressor stations are provided with the equipment which is innovative for RoK gas transportation system, produced by the world’s leading manufacturers of gas turbine and compressor equipment, Rolls-Royce and General Electric. The installed gas pumping units were made on a special order of “KazTransGas” JSC and have no analogues in CIS and far abroad countries. The innovative equipment, as well as a complex of auxiliary systems, will ensure safe and technologically regular gas transportation during the whole period of the main gas pipeline operation. Besides, the environmental component was taken into account during development of the units: the compressor stations are equipped with a dry waste suppression system, ensuring minimum emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

When the new objects were put into operation, the vice-president of the transportation and marketing of gas JSC NC «KazMunaiGas», Kayrat Sharipbayev, said: “Development of the national gas industry is one of the priority areas of state energy policy. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev set the tasks to us to expand export routes and increase the national gas transit. That’s why KazTranszGas pays a lot of attention to the expansion of export gas transportation corridors and implementation of best practices in production, which allows to gas mains not only to work without interruption for many years but also increase transportation volumes as necessary. For example, the compressor stations put into operation have been designed considering the possibility of further increasing the capacity of “Kazakhstan-China” main gas pipeline. That is, in case of the 4th line construction, we will not have to build a new compressor station and spend a lot of money on it. We will just have to connect the new line as we have laid down all the leadaways. Besides, we have planned leadaway gas pipes, which will ensure gas connection for all consumers in the region.  

We should specially note that the application of latest software developments made it possible to launch the compressor stations 4 and 8 remotely, using a smart phone.   

We would like to remind that line C of “Kazakhstan-China” main gas pipeline was commissioned last year. The C line itinerary passes in the same technical corridor as lines A and B of “Kazakhstan-China” main gas pipeline, in South-Kazakhstanm Zhambylskaya and Almaty regions, where gas is drawn for the consumers of the region. Thanks to putting line C into operation, KazTransGas no longer uses imported gas, which fully resolved the problem of blue fuel deficit in the heating season in southern regions of the country. 

C line commissioning and functioning of all the three lines of “Kazakhstan-China” main gas pipeline is the largest international gas transportation project in the history of independent Kazakhstan.

FOR REFERENCE: “Kazakhstan-China” main gas pipeline is a constituent part of the transnational main gas pipeline “Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan – China” with the total length exceeding 7.5 thou. km. The C line of the “Kazakhstan-China” main gas pipeline is 1303 km long. Construction of CS-4 and CS-8 compressor stations at C line of the “Kazakhstan-China” gas pipeline was started in March, 2014 and was terminated in July, 2016. CS-4 is located near the settlement of Lugovaya station, T. Ryskulovsky district, Zhambylskaya region. CS-8 is located near the settlement of Sharyn, Uygursky district, Almaty region. The design capacity of the “Kazakhstan-China” main gas pipeline upon completion of the construction of all objects will reach 55 bln. cubic meters of gas a year.


Press Service of “KazTransGas” JSC

+7 7172 55 23 16

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