
LLP “Amageldy Gas” was 10 years old



Happy Birthday!

If you are welcoming and hospitable host your name may be brand. 74-year-old Amangeldy Bakezhanov, in honor of whose name called field, was the guest of honor at the 10th anniversary of LLP “Amangeldy Gas.”

Grandpa Amangeldy looks fifteen years younger than his age.

– I was young shepherd, when the first searches of underground deposits were conducted, says elder. – It was more than forty years ago, geological prospecting work was carried out not far from my wintering. The guys were freezing, I gave them hot tea from a samovar, invited to kuyrdak or beshbarmak in the evening. We became friends. It continued five-six years. I remember how geologists were happy when they found the accumulation of underground gas and decided to call it Amangeldy. I thought the guys were joking, but it was true. In the name of people call the streets, villages, cities and gas field was called in my honor. It is a great honor. I live in the village Oyyk of Talas region. Allah has given me nine children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I am happy that gas producers invited me to this jubilee. I want to give them my blessing and wish you all the best.

It should be noted that the conditions for fruitful work created here are decent. Despite the fact that around the sand, there are the flowerbeds near each house in the shift town and people rest under the thick canopy of trees. The water from wells is applied for watering the greens and technical needs, and gas workers drink only bottled water.

They play football, billiards, pumped up muscles at the gym in his spare time. The team LLP “Amangeldy Gas” took first place at the Olympics, organized by JSC “KazTransGas”. Smoking in the camp is permitted only in designated area, but every year there are gathered fewer people.

Field camp and mine are in the wilderness, and feel at ease here its inhabitants, all sorts of poisonous insects, snakes and other dangerous animals. According to the master of gas Ualiev Kulmagambet the area where people live and work, is constantly disinfected. Workers carried out a thorough inspection twice a day – before and after the change, so they did not bring unwanted guest – black widow or tick lurking in the folds of clothing. Medical professionals are always ready to help.

The first anniversary was celebrated in a big way in the shift. More than twenty employees LLP “Amangeldy Gas” were awarded diplomas for hard work and personal contribution to the company. Among them are the boiler plant operator Galimzhan Iskaliev, locksmith Dmitry Golovin, the console operator Bahytzhan Altynbaev, technician Karligash Kushekova and others. General Director of JSC “KazTransGas” Serik Sultangali personally congratulated his colleagues on the anniversary:

– To date, we have produced more than three billion cubic meters of gas – summed up the general director. – And this is only one-third of the design capacity of Amangeldy. Systematic drilling activities are continuing. The extensive seismic work was conducted. In the future, we plan to begin exploitation of gas fields “Zharkum”, in 2015 – “Airakty”, in 2016 – “Anabay.” We employ excellent experts not only from our own, but also from other areas of the country.

To date, Amangeldy gas closes needs of Zhambyl region. 3 billion 33.736 million cubic meters of gas was extracted on 3rd October, 2013.

Saule Seidahmetova “Znamya Truda”

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