
The “no-tie” meeting: KazTransGas today and tomorrow


On the eve of the professional day of the Day of Employees of the Oil and Gas Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an event for young gas workers was held at the central office of the National Operator KazTransGas JSC.

The format of the meeting was “no-tie”, with young specialists of the company. The meeting was held by Pavel Lednikov, Adviser to the Chairman of the Management Board of KazTransGas JSC, on the topic “KazTransGas today and tomorrow”.

Such events in the group of companies of the National Operator have already become traditional. They are organized by the Department of Human Resources Management together with the Council for Youth Affairs of the KazTransGas Group of companies.

The main goal is to promote the disclosure of the potential of young people, to identify socially active, talented specialists, to improve the professional and creative competencies of young workers.

KazTransGas JSC is confident that it is always interesting and very useful for young specialists to learn the opinion of professionals, learn from their experience, knowledge, and get important advice.

This time, the main topic of the meeting was the mission and development strategy of KazTransGas JSC. The key principles of the main strategic goals and directions of development of both the company and the gas industry as a whole were discussed in detail.

Pavel Lednikov spoke about the main directions for the further development of the gas industry, which the President set for the national gas operator at the meeting held in June this year. He identified several main goals, such as expanding the resource base, modernizing the outdated gas infrastructure and building a new one, as well as continuing the implementation of the country’s gasification program.

During the meeting, young specialists asked a number of questions on topics of interest to them. The range of issues was very wide – from geological exploration, pricing reform, to risk management in a national company.

At the end of the meeting, the participants thanked for the interesting dialogue and noted that they were very proud of the experience of gaining skills to work directly in the production in the gas industry, as well as creating all conditions for the professional growth of young specialists and providing high support and trust from the Company’s management.

Following the meeting, the young specialists were inspired by the Company’s achieved results, both at the national and international level, and the contribution made to the development of the country today, as well as long-term strategic plans for the development of the gas industry, received a powerful incentive and ready to contribute to the development of the gas industry!

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